Monday 17 January 2011

Connotations of Chosen Colours

I thought I would just quickly explain the reasoning for chosing the colours that I chose for my album;
Green is a color that has both an up and down side. It's associated with the new growth of spring, prosperity, and clean, fresh air, yet it can also carry a negative connotation, in terms of mold, nausea, and jealousy. Throughout the ages, green has most often been considered to represent fertility, and during the 15th century, green was the most popular choice of for the wedding gowns of European brides.

Because Blue is associated with the color of the sea and the sky, blue has come to symbolize serenity and infinity. That's especially true of the more greenish shades of blue, such as aqua and teal. On the other hand, cooler shades of blue can have a tendency to cause feelings of sadness.

In terms of these covers i think the greens represent clean and fresh ideas and that the blues represent sadness.

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