Tuesday 15 February 2011

Planning vs final product.

There were quite a few aspects of my planning that I didn't incorporate into my final video, this wasn't through lack of ability or lack of location scouting but down to the fact that driving around and actually beginning filming I had a lot better, more appropriate ideas that I felt I should go with rather than sticking to what I had initially planned to do.
For example I had planned to do a lot of my filming in woodlands and around water, However when I went to my chosen location I found it wasn't as good as I had hoped, the natural lighting didn't fit with the mise en scene I was going with and the water wasn't as easy to see flowing as I had hoped, this meant that I began to think of other ideas and went with them instead. Some aspects I did film such as the sun set but putting this into imovie didn't look as perfect as I hoped so didn't include it.

Another example was to do with the main blue and green colours I was to try and include, instead it seemed as though I had 2main colours present through-out;
Black- The night, black and white"night vision" of the party,
red/orange- The flames, colour of the fish, traffic lights, car lights

This I feel gave it a much better "darker" feel anyway.

Narrative of the video.

I think the narrative of the music video isn't so much a "story" type narrative but a slow release of information style narrative. This makes it very different to many of the original music videos I looked at, I also think whilst filming I varied a lot from my initial plan of action, this was because of many contributing factors such as time, mood, lighting etc.

In terms of narrative I think that my video has a peak and dip type story line, the opening is quite flat in comparison to the rest of the film, this means that the film slowly increases through-out, building up tension, not only through the music but also it seems to show a lot more fast-motion aspects.

Friday 11 February 2011

Building the video

I started to put together all of the pieces of the video.
The best thing about it is the match of colours through-out the video that means it all links together really nicely, the colour of the traffic lights matches the colour of the tropical fish and also the flames,  and the contrast of the really energetic dancing goes really well with some of the more slow motion bits.
 I think they key thing that I had to try and do was to make sure all of the slow music sections went with slow pieces of filming and visa versa.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


I didn't really like this one as much as the others but i thought i would put it on my blog anyway.

Monday 7 February 2011

Second example

I think this might be the final one I use, after asking around and making a few adjustments I finally settled on this idea, I love the umbrella used.

Magazine Advert examples...

This is the first one I created, any comments? I really like this one to be honest as it's really illustrative and strange...


So today I think I completed the final parts of my filming, it was the main "story" element that I needed to film and I thought it was going to be the hardest part but it wasn't too bad.

Firstly I filmed the talking mouths part which was to be the opening of my video, I set everything up with a blue tinge on it to keep it quite dark and secretive, I think after putting night vision on it began to really work, I will have to do some cropping of the film but hopefully if i can get it all in time it will look lush.

For the photo burning part of my video the wind became a huge issue, I wanted to just have the photos burning in the dark but it was so windy I had to try and provide some shelter as the flames wouldn't light, hopefully again I will have done enough to make it good and not tacky.

I also finished some tracking parts following the character which i'm hoping will work out well..

Rough cuts to come!!