Tuesday 15 February 2011

Planning vs final product.

There were quite a few aspects of my planning that I didn't incorporate into my final video, this wasn't through lack of ability or lack of location scouting but down to the fact that driving around and actually beginning filming I had a lot better, more appropriate ideas that I felt I should go with rather than sticking to what I had initially planned to do.
For example I had planned to do a lot of my filming in woodlands and around water, However when I went to my chosen location I found it wasn't as good as I had hoped, the natural lighting didn't fit with the mise en scene I was going with and the water wasn't as easy to see flowing as I had hoped, this meant that I began to think of other ideas and went with them instead. Some aspects I did film such as the sun set but putting this into imovie didn't look as perfect as I hoped so didn't include it.

Another example was to do with the main blue and green colours I was to try and include, instead it seemed as though I had 2main colours present through-out;
Black- The night, black and white"night vision" of the party,
red/orange- The flames, colour of the fish, traffic lights, car lights

This I feel gave it a much better "darker" feel anyway.

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