Monday 11 October 2010

Creating The Final Digipak

This is the Completed Digipak for my chosen song; Watercolour by Pendulum.
The ideas for the rest of the digipak mainly came through inspiration from the new Take That album Progress.
I loved the running colour scheme but still keeping it very simple, Using slightly more detail on the front cover helps keep the attention attracted to that.
The Take That Album is very catchy because its bright yellow, I think the digipak for Pendulum is still very eye catching but in a darker, more sinister way, an effect that I have been wanting to achieve through-out.

Created on Photoshop, the digipak consists mainly just built up layers of colours with a very "splattery" brush.
I took the picture of the band off the interent purely because there was no way I could meet the band or take any photos of them, I cut the image out as I wanted the band to be present on the album as it is about them!

Sunday 10 October 2010

Digipak results

So the front cover chosen for my digipak was the second more watery type one.
I am glad that my audience liked this one so much as I felt it was really relevant to the song title as well as eye catching and also kept in line with all of the characteristics that I wanted it to have.
From what people said about this one when I asked them about what they liked about it seemed to be:
-It looked very proffesional
-It was relevant to the song
-It was creative and different to quite a lot of covers you get nowadays which are either a shot of the band or a solid colour
-It was keeping in the same theme as many of the other Pendulum covers, Shows artist continuity.

The positive feedback really encouraged me when thinking about how to produce the rest of the digipak.
Now with the main image has been selected I can begin to finish off the rest of the Digipak and then link it to the magazine advert.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Digipak Front Cover Options

Examples for digipak front covers, these are the 3 choices I have created as potential covers for my Digipak, I am going to put the final one down to a vote, therefore the audience are chosing which will ensure that the right cover is progressed with into the final digipak;</div>

Friday 8 October 2010

Digipak& Magazine Advertisment

I have been working on ideas for both the magazine article and the digipak. I put together a little slide show of research for this and then began to create examples of both.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Original Cover for the song

This is quite a dull cover that doesn't really capture my attention and on the shelf in a record store it would probably just blend in with the rest of the albums, I want to create something that will really stand out.

UPDATE- Eugene Riecansky!

We had Eugene, A music video director come in and give us a talk on conventions and how to make a music video. It was a really good insight into the real world, it was surprising how down to earth he was.
Eugene has created videos for people like Madonna and The Prodigy. He was really creative and inspiring and really helped me think about what I wanted to put in my music video.
One of the points I took from his talk was the "be crazy" point he kept talking about, it's true, if i want to produce a good music video I'm going to have to take risks with my music video.
It gave me loads of ideas for fires, and running and explosions!

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Scene locations and Ideas

For the scene I am wanting to keep it extremely simple.
Here are some of the inspirations I looked at:

The idea i have for my video would be a completely black scene with light coming through the sides so ill get silhouette effects. This would keep it quite dark and secretive. 

I also began to think about the story that I could put with my video and thinking about locations in terms of that. I think that the idea of water and nature is one that shall be continuing through my video so I want to be using appropriate locations.
One place I had in mind was a little forest near to where I live, it is the perfect setting and I would love to film there on a misty morning and as the sun is setting, this will give the video more dimension to it.
I also want to be capturing water type shots so I am considering having shots of pools or water, maybe go down to the beach or even film some fish in a tank, I think a choppy combination of all of these locations would be really effective in terms of having a quite open genre and to make it appeal to many people.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Potential Characters to involve in my Video

I'm going to use very plain characters. I want to use more than one as even though its a very lonely song I think it would be more effective to have "sides" to emphasis loneliness.
I will be using very simple characters that will be easy to move as part of my video will be in stop motion.
I chose 3 characters that were very brightly coloured however i'm still unsure as to whether the colours are right for the video, therefore I will do some try outs to see how they look. If the bright colours dont work i will spray them a different colour. When i purchased my "bendy men" they had very smiley happy faces which really didnt fit with my video so i took off their faces.

The bendy men are only going to be a small part of my music video. The majority of it will be using a human.
For my character I have chosen a very rugged looking young man.
I am wanting to only use one of two characters in my video as it is going to be quite a personal video and want the narative to be clearly coming from just one person. The only time I might use another character in my video will be by having a different character singing the song. This would probably be just a close up of their mouth.

Monday 4 October 2010

Struggling with ideas

After beginning my story boarding I began to struggle, I was fine with the worded sections of the song but there are some very high tempo, quick, pure instrumental pieces I was finding hard to fill.
I needed to brain storm and think of more ideas to have with this as it was really starting to effect the whole piece.

My first idea was to have the theme of rhythmical circles...
I was planning on filming wheels, roundabouts and other things like that, For example:

However after some audience research I learned that I would have to do something else quite special to be able to have a really good music video. It was one comment that really got me thinking.

Idea Time!

Here are just a few of my initial ideas for the video.

Sunday 3 October 2010

The original Video

The Original Video:

I think that it was a good idea to have a look at the original video for the song, I think it is actually a really good video however I am still wanting to do my own interpretation.

Friday 1 October 2010

Song change

My poll results chose the song Aqua- Barbie Girl as the song I was to do however....

I decided to change the song as it wasn't quick enough for the type of video i wanted to be making.
I decided to change it to Watercolour by Pendulum.
I asked quite a few people what they thought of this song and here's their opinions;