Tuesday 5 October 2010

Potential Characters to involve in my Video

I'm going to use very plain characters. I want to use more than one as even though its a very lonely song I think it would be more effective to have "sides" to emphasis loneliness.
I will be using very simple characters that will be easy to move as part of my video will be in stop motion.
I chose 3 characters that were very brightly coloured however i'm still unsure as to whether the colours are right for the video, therefore I will do some try outs to see how they look. If the bright colours dont work i will spray them a different colour. When i purchased my "bendy men" they had very smiley happy faces which really didnt fit with my video so i took off their faces.

The bendy men are only going to be a small part of my music video. The majority of it will be using a human.
For my character I have chosen a very rugged looking young man.
I am wanting to only use one of two characters in my video as it is going to be quite a personal video and want the narative to be clearly coming from just one person. The only time I might use another character in my video will be by having a different character singing the song. This would probably be just a close up of their mouth.

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