Wednesday 6 October 2010

Scene locations and Ideas

For the scene I am wanting to keep it extremely simple.
Here are some of the inspirations I looked at:

The idea i have for my video would be a completely black scene with light coming through the sides so ill get silhouette effects. This would keep it quite dark and secretive. 

I also began to think about the story that I could put with my video and thinking about locations in terms of that. I think that the idea of water and nature is one that shall be continuing through my video so I want to be using appropriate locations.
One place I had in mind was a little forest near to where I live, it is the perfect setting and I would love to film there on a misty morning and as the sun is setting, this will give the video more dimension to it.
I also want to be capturing water type shots so I am considering having shots of pools or water, maybe go down to the beach or even film some fish in a tank, I think a choppy combination of all of these locations would be really effective in terms of having a quite open genre and to make it appeal to many people.

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